Saturday, 4 June 2011

It's the weekend!

Well, that week ended fast - which was no bad thing!

I kind of sorted the problem I talked about in my last post... it works, just not exactly how it should. But it works nevertheless - and that's good enough for me on a Friday afternoon!

I didn't post yesterday as I ended up going to bed a lot later than planned. I'm not even sure why that happened - I just looked at the time and it was nearly midnight! Of course, when I was younger I thought nothing of rolling into bed at 3am but I can't really afford to lay in until the afternoon any more.

Anyway, I'm a big fan of anime and just about anything Japanese. I watch the NHK World tv channel on satellite almost daily and have done since it launched in the UK a couple of years ago. Some of my favourite shows on there are Imagine-Nation (full of Japanese pop culture goodness), Tokyo Eye and Begin Japanology. There's some other good stuff on there too and they've recently started showing in HD - which looks really good, btw!

I say recently, it's actually been a while - I tuned into the test transmission of the HD version as soon as I heard about it so was watching it probably a month before it launched officially (like I've said before, I'm a geek!).

If you're reading this and wondering what I'm going on about - check the channel out if you can as there's some interesting stuff on there and it's one of my fave channels.

Have I ever been to Japan? No. Do I want to go there? Absolutely! It's one of my ambitions. I'll definitely have to visit Akihabara though! Robots? Anime? All sorts of other cool stuff? That place sounds like it is was made for me!

One of my favourite eps (well, actually two as it was  a two part ep) of Tokyo Eye was when they visited Akihabara. It even prompted me to buy a book as the chap who was their guest had written a book about Japanese pop culture. It's called The Otaku Encyclopedia, if you're interested. Very cool and well worth a read!

I also saw there's a Gundam shop out there... a multi-level shop...filled with Gundam stuff! It just proves to me, once again, that Japan is quite possibly the coolest place on the planet!

In other news - I got a free sausage roll on Thursday. One of my colleagues bought it but thought there was cheese and onion in it (which would have been wrong anyway!!) he didn't like it without them... odd fellow but hey, I landed a free pastry so who cares? lol

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