Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Mid-week update

Yikes! What a busy week! I'll be glad for the weekend so I can have a rest!

I plan to play the latest Mass Effect 2 DLC this weekend too... I'm so behind with it, bought it weeks ago but Dragon Age II has consumed most of (admittedly not abundant) gaming time. I'm determined to finish it in time for the release of Skyrim... oh and Gears Of War 3... so many great games, just no flipping time! lol

Must admit I'm probably more of an RPG and racing game kind of guy (eek - just realised I have to add F1 2011 to that list!).

Mass Effect 2 is quite possibly my favoruite game of all time - it really was like playing a movie and I absolutely loved every moment of it. The DLC (that I've played) has all been great too! So yeah, drooling at the trailers for Mass Effect 3 and will quite possibly have to take a week off when it's released next year too.

Actually, I may have to for Skyrim in November too. Oblivion was my fave game until Mass Effect 2 came along... it's just so big (the game) and you could pick up just about everything! I never did finish all the quests - I actually started coming up with my own, such as rob every house and sell all the loot, explore just about everywhere I could... for me, it's the nearest I've come to actually finding myself playing something you really could get lost in for hours. It wasn't without it's flaws of course: the repetitive voices for different characters did reduce the illusion of being in another world but still.... great fun and one of the best RPGs I've played. I can't wait to see what they do with Skyrim... loved the trailers for that and really loved the more epic version of the theme!

I really better get on and finish Dragon Age II...!

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